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Anchusa–commonly known as Bugloss–has brilliant blue flowers, the purest blue of any flower. Italian Bugloss is related to the forget-me-not (Myositis) and looks very similar. It is easy to grow and adds color to the garden.
Anchusa is also known as Alkanet, Bugloss and Summer-forget-me-not. The Anchusa genus includes easy-to-grow perennial and biennial plants. They are ideal for summer borders in sunny locations.
Anchusa forms large clumps with rough, often pubescent foliage, growing 2- to 4-foot (.6-1.2m) leafy stems that bear flowers from mid-summer to early fall. The flowers are small masses of flowers that are usually dark blue in color.
Anchusa grows well in ordinary soil, but with plenty of aged compost it thrives.
Seeds sown in spring will flower in summer. After flowering, cut off the flowers and stems and feed the plant with a little liquid fertilizer or manure to encourage a second flowering until frost. Then cut back.
Biennial anchusa is usually considered an annual plant.
Anusha is a member of the Borage family.
Learn about Anchusa
- Plant type: Perennial and annual varieties
- Growing zone and range: Zones 3 to 9
- Hardiness: Perennial plant Green Anchusa hardy to -30°F (-34°C); annual species A. capensis tender
- Height and Width: 2 to 5 feet (60-150cm) tall; 2 feet (60cm) wide
- Leaves: Lush, elongated leaves covered with stiff hairs; long stems bearing a single terminal cluster of flowers; Italian honeysuckle has fibrous roots
- Flower form: Small ¾ inch (18mm) 5-petaled flowers grow in almost flat, blue-green clusters.
- Flower color: Blue
- Bloom time: Late spring to fall
- Uses: Planted at borders; attracts bees
- Garden Companions: Lady’s Hearth with Italian Perennial Bugle; Plant Italian Annual Bugle in Borders with Shasta Daisies, Yarrow, Marigolds and Petunias
- Common names: Bugloss, alkanet; forget-me-not summer
- Botanical name: Anchusa spp.
- Family: Boraginaceae
- Origin: Temperate regions of Europe, Africa and Western Asia
Where to grow Anchusa
- Plant Anchusa in full sun to light shade.
- Plant Anchusa in a loose, humus-rich, well-drained garden. Soil that is too rich may cause the plant to become mushy.
- Anchusa prefers a soil pH of 5.5 to 7.0.
Anchusa uses and accompanies
- Use Anchusa as a border plant or mass plant in flower beds or borders to bring out the vibrant blue color.
- Combine Anchusa with yellow marigolds and red petunias.
- Good companions include Achillea filipendula, Artemisia, Coreopsis, And Hemerocallis.
When to plant Anchusa
- Sow seeds or plant mature seedlings in spring. Perennial bugloss plants can also be planted in the fall.
- Sow annual anchusa seeds indoors 6 to 8 weeks before the last spring frost.
- Sow seeds directly in the garden after the last frost of spring.
Planting and Spacing Anchusa
- Sow seeds 1/4 inch deep. Start seeds indoors in six-packs or sheet form in a light seed starter mix or potting mix.
- Sow seeds outdoors in well prepared and tilled soil.
- Space bugloss 2 to 3 feet (60-90cm) apart.
How to water and feed Anchusa
- There is no need to fertilize Anchusa; Soil that is too fertile will cause plants to grow weak and limp.
- Water only when the soil is dry. Soil that is too wet can cause root rot, especially in winter.
Anchusa who
- Stake plants when they show signs of becoming soft or top heavy.
- After the first bloom, cut the plant about 6 to 8 inches above the ground; they will recover quickly.
- Cut off spent flowers or cut flowers to arrange to stimulate new blooms.
- Be careful to keep Anchusa from becoming invasive. Remove spreading plants if you don’t want them.
Pests and diseases of Anchusa
- Anchusa is susceptible to mosaic, rust and mold.
- Pests that may attack include leafhoppers, larvae and leaf-cutting worms.
Anchusa breeding
- Propagate Anchusa by seed; self-seeding plants.
- Germination takes 14 to 21 days; Maintain a night temperature of 70°F (21°C) and a daytime temperature of 85°F (29°C).
- Divide clusters after flowering; Take root in early spring.
Anchusa varieties to grow
- Green Anchusa Also known as Cape bugloss, it is a perennial plant growing 3 to 5 feet (0.9-1.5 m) tall; with bright green flower clusters; blooming in summer and fall. Cultivars include ‘Dropmore’, a compact plant with dark blue flowers, and ‘Loddon Royalist’, which grows to 3 feet tall and has sage-blue flowers.
- A. capensisforget-me-not summer, is a biennial plant that is usually grown as an annual when planted in the fall; it has bright blue flowers with white throats; grows to 18 inches (45cm) tall.